Study: at least 6 types of atheists. Apologist: atheists’ reasoning is narrow

A team of atheist/agnostic researchers out of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga got together to survey over 1100 atheists and released their findings recently. They claim that there are 6 kinds of atheists as follows:

1. Intellectual atheist/agnostic: they like to argue, debate, and study a lot about religion and atheismcross conquers atheism

2. Activist: they are vocal politically and proclaim why society should believe as they do.

3. Seeker-agnostic: a group that is willing to claim they don’t have all the answers and admit they’re unsure about whether or not God exists.

4. Anti-theist: they consider their knowledge superior and consider religious people as ignorant and are outspoken about the weaknesses or contradictions they believe are obvious in religion.

5. Non-theist: they hold to their disbelief in God quietly and don’t participate in any religious or anti-religious practices.

6. Ritual atheist: they participate in religious practices but don’t believe in God or eternal life and their participation is simply an acknowledging that some principles taught in various religions can be good for everyday life applications.

The study has stirred a lot of controversy within atheist ranks. But a former atheist who became a Christian has pointed out that Christians shouldn’t feel the least bit intimidated by atheists.

Professor Alister McGrath of Great Britain says that it is good to keep in mind that human reasoning is limited and can never fully get a handle on the reality of God–who he is and what he can do. The important thing, he says, is to hold steadfast to the doctrine of the Trinity as a way of confirming within our own minds the vision of God we should have and not allow anyone, including ourselves, to diminish God to less than that. McGrath said, “The doctrine of the Trinity is this realization that God is just so great, we are never going to be fully able to make sense of him, even though we can trust him.”

In contrast, atheism creates its own narrow little world, according to McGrath. Boxing yourself in to the idea that the only reality is what can be proven tends to negate the fact there are things bigger and brighter than what can be proven, like hope or beauty or the will to get up every day. McGrath believes atheists’ animosity against Christians is a result of them having to distract themselves from the misery of the smallness of their own world.

I would add that atheists also attack Christians because we are a reminder to them about the sins they don’t want to give up but deep down know they should. They also know God exists but they try to shut out the obvious by attacking Christians with the false hope this will take away the misery of their denial of the obvious. As the Bible states, there’s really no such thing as an atheist.


Christopher F. Silver. Non-Belief in America Research. July 2013.

Dan Merica. Behold, the six types of atheists. CNN Belief Blog. July 15, 2013.

Daniel. Burke. ‘Six Types of Atheists’ study wakes a sleeping giant. CNN Belief Blog. July 18, 2013.

Alister McGrath: There is a limit to reason. Christian Today. July 17, 2013.

4 thoughts on “Study: at least 6 types of atheists. Apologist: atheists’ reasoning is narrow

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  1. Once biblical mind control is got rid of only then can you begin to see the real truth,then it becomes clear as day.The Trinty belief is the most ignorant,stupid theory in Christianity when 3 becomes one and one becomes 3,purely stupid thinking.And the Trinity belief came straight out of Eygptian sun god belief.And talk about boxing someone in that is Christianity not atheists.I attack apologetics like yourself because I hate liars,and apologetics train to be liars.As far as us attacking Christians because of out sin,sin is your theory,i do not believe in sin,it’s another mind control theory to control the human mind.And I do not know god exists and neither do you.Stop lying to the people Harry.
    In Real Truth,
    Jay Osborne


    1. @Jay,

      Thanks for once again proving you’re a liar by your contradictory statements. In a previous comment of yours, you said I was lying when I pegged you as an atheist. You said, “First as usual you lie about me i have never said i did not believe in God,however i guarantee that it is not the god of the Bible.” Since that comment you have admitted to being an atheist, revealing that you were lying by calling me a liar.

      Now you’re back with more contradictions showing that not only are you lacking on your grasp of words in the English language, but that you are also confused on the theological points you try to make and fail miserably in making them. The word “sin” means “an offense against moral law” and “an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible.” Don’t you understand that on one hand while you claim you don’t believe in sin on the other hand you accuse me of sin by calling me a liar? Your comment shows that you consider lying to be highly reprehensible. How did you come to that conclusion? Because you have self evident knowledge that is within all of us that tells us lying is morally wrong–a sin–as stated in the 10 commandments.

      So your statement, being contradictory, proves that it isn’t true by the universal law of non-contradiction. The guy who says there’s no such thing as sin, shows he believes there really is such a thing as sin by calling me a liar. Essentially, you have made yourself out to be the liar. Thank you for making my job easy on that point.

      Re: the Trinity, God did not “become” a Trinity, he has always been a Trinity from eternity. It’s his nature. And he repeats the idea of 3 being 1 throughout creation. Humans are body, soul, and spirit. A tree is roots, trunk, and branches. An egg is shell, egg white, and yolk. The earth is crust, mantle, and core. An element can be liquid, solid, or gas. An atom is proton, neutron, and electron. A cell is nucleus (control center), membrane, and cytoplasm.

      You don’t even have an accurate take on ancient Egyptian mythology. Christianity never copied anything from Egyptology as shown in this Youtube video:

      Thanks for sharing your lack of knowledge. Liar.


  2. The only “controversy” that I’ve seen among the atheist ranks is that these six categories are too simplistic. There is simply too much overlap among non-believers to easily put us into separate categories like this. Someone can be both an intellectual and an activist, and also still enjoy ritual gatherings such as those at a UU congregation. I think a venn diagram would be a more useful tool for understanding the nonbeliever community than these six categories.

    I have no idea what these categories have to do with theists being “intimidated” by atheists, though.


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