Repentance or resentment? Which shall I choose?

As we stand on the threshold of entering another year, this is often the time when we reflect on what has happened this year in our lives that we want to change as the new one approaches. Times of reflection often bring us to a crossroads where we can choose to repent or choose to... Continue Reading →

Father who killed family on Christmas was Muslim

You won't hear this bit of information on the news, but Aziz Yazdanpanah, the man who dressed as Santa on Christmas and killed six family members, was an Iranian Muslim. He was separated from his wife, who moved out of their home, and he had some serious financial problems. Those problems became too much for... Continue Reading →

Parliament of Ghana tells gay rights to take a hike

In spite of several initiatives to draft gay rights legislation in the Parliament of the African nation of Ghana, parliamentarians have unanimously decided that they will toss out any bill attempting to promote gay rights. Several legislators came together this past Sunday with Christian church leaders for a prayer meeting to pray for the citizens... Continue Reading →

Could new draft proposal squash the Stop Online Piracy Act?

Representative Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) submitted a draft today of legislation that could be used instead of the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Their draft is entitled the Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act (OPEN). SOPA created a lot of controversy and outcry from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and... Continue Reading →

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