Brilliant plagiarists: the path to one world religion

Are all religions essentially the same? Do passages in the Bible match what appears in Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, and other scriptures of other religions? If one were to listen to some religious leaders today, one would think so. But these are false assumptions because they tend to overlook two important facts regarding the scriptures of... Continue Reading →

Bibles and crosses remain untouched in house fire

Several days before Christmas (the same day as the Newtown, CT shootings) the Burns family of Jenks, OK, lost everything when their house burned to the ground. Well, almost everything. The fire department believes a gas leak started the fire. It ended up killing the family dog and destroyed most of their belongings, leaving everything... Continue Reading →

Progressives/liberals begin campaign to normalize pedophilia

In 2011, a few (very few) news outlets reported that the progressives/liberals in the American Psychiatric Association (APA) were secretly moving forward with plans to reshape how Americans view pedophilia. For decades, progressive/liberal professors at universities have been preaching that there was nothing wrong with adults having sex with children, that laws against such behavior... Continue Reading →

Christian radio host reveals the universal, NWO big picture

Paul McGuire, Christian radio host and author, published an article today revealing why we are witnessing all the changes going on around the world. Satan and his subordinates have upped the ante on his plans to be worshiped openly and are moving at seemingly breakneck speed to accomplish his wishes because he knows his time... Continue Reading →

Screening out wolves requires churches do thorough background checks

We are living in times where there seem to be more spiritual wolves than ever on the prowl dressed in sheep's clothing looking to devour God's flock. Quite often in the news there are stories where church workers are arrested for stealing from the church treasury or having affairs or carrying out Ponzi schemes on... Continue Reading →

British psychiatrists’ study finds spirituality connected to mental illness

A group of researchers in England contacted over 7400 men and women at random for a survey asking them about whether or not they were "spiritual," if they had regular religious practices, and what their mental state was. The researchers claim 86% identified themselves as Christian and 35% of them said they were religious in... Continue Reading →

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