Family Research Council’s Washington Watch Discusses Antisemitism Concerns

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council (FRC) in the Washington Watch broadcast takes an hour to discuss campus crackdowns on unruly pro-Hamas demonstrators, the U.S. House's passage of the Antisemitism Awareness Act, and other concerns that are contributing to evil antisemitic views around the country.

The Same Communism in China is Happening in America, Says Woman Who Escaped China

Xi Van Fleet, who came to America in the mid-1980s to flee communism, tells her story about growing up during Mao Zedong's communist Cultural Revolution. She is now warning that the things she witnessed as a child in Communist China have begun to happen in the United States.

God Intended for Each Nation to Have Their Own Defensible Borders

When God created mankind in the beginning, he wanted us to populate the whole Earth. We were given the perpetual, immutable directive to be fruitful and multiply. After Noah's flood, the Lord reiterated this directive emphasizing his intent for humans to take charge and care for the whole Earth (Genesis 9:1,7). As a means of... Continue Reading →

A History of Mass Government Censorship Will Benefit a Future of Global Governance

Daniel 8 prophesies some interesting hints about how the future one world government will come about to exalt its Antichrist. When you meditate on and study the words Daniel used, then do some research into what has happened thus far from the late 19th century to today in the 21st century, it's obvious the foundations... Continue Reading →

Democrat State Senators Pass Physician Assisted Suicide in Virginia

Democrats in power at the state level continue to move full steam ahead on their culture of death agenda. The latest Democrat politicians to contribute to that culture are Democrat senators in Virginia who ended the week by passing a bill to legalize "medical aid in dying", which is essentially euthanasia or physician assisted suicide.... Continue Reading →

CBN News Shares Reports to Warn About Authoritarians’ Plans to Violate Freedoms

Whether it's the UN's WHO or the Scottish government, there is an obvious effort in various parts of the world to attempt to bring about authoritarian rule for the sake of the New World Order. With Marxist forms of Luciferianism as the impetus behind such efforts, the WHO is engaged in a campaign to get... Continue Reading →

Tucker Carlson Speaks in Calgary, Alberta, Criticizes Trudeau, Urges Defense of God-Given Rights

Tucker Carlson visited the conservative-run province of Alberta for a speech in Calgary on Wednesday, January 24. Using humor mixed with serious topics, Carlson encouraged Albertans to be willing to take a stand against Trudeau's fascist administration even if it's uncomfortable. In his speech, he deals with the subjects of parental rights, freedom of speech,... Continue Reading →

Christian Values Prevail in Ohio Legislature With Bans on Harmful “Transgender” Ideologies

Back in December, Ohio's Republican-led legislature passed a measure to prevent kids from getting what liberals call "gender-affirming care" to pass themselves off as being the opposite gender from how they were born. The measure also banned biological males who pretend they're females from participating in female sports. The bill was in response to Ohio... Continue Reading →

Canada’s Universal/Single-Payer Healthcare System is Failing

Remember back in the 2010s when propagandists of the mainstream media gushed about and gave rave reviews about Canada's universal healthcare system? They just couldn't say enough about how socialized medicine was far superior to free-market capitalist healthcare for the sake of "equity" among the population. Fast forward to today and it seems like that... Continue Reading →

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