God’s Wisdom is for Our Glory

There is nothing quite more pathetic in our world than to witness someone who insists that their opinion on an issue is the only moral high ground when the facts and objective truth blatantly prove otherwise. But this is the tendency of the wisdom originating from humans or worldly wisdom. As the product of man,... Continue Reading →

Accepting God’s New Provision Produces His Perpetual Preservation

It is all too common for us as humans to want to give in to our fallen nature and repeat old ideas, habits, and routines from the past that never really helped us. Even after the Lord saves us through Jesus Christ. It's why the early church struggled with legalistic Judaizers demanding physical circumcision (Galatians... Continue Reading →

A Systematic Unpacking of False Doctrines in the Roman Catholic Church

"...we're going to look at the differences between Catholics and evangelicals because what was once painted black and white is now painted gray by many evangelical leaders. The ecumenical movement started in the Vatican in 1965 and ever since then there's been a push to unite all of Christianity under the power and the influence... Continue Reading →

The Right Road to Rewards

When the Lord Jesus Christ sent out his letters to the churches in Revelation, only two of the seven churches did everything right--Smyrna and Philadelphia. Those two churches are shining examples of the traits Christian congregations and individual Christian lives should exhibit. With respect to Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13), the Lord pointed out the following three... Continue Reading →

God Makes It Possible For Everyone To Hear About Jesus Before They Die

In our day and age, believers and unbelievers alike are still asking, "What happens to people who have never heard about Jesus when they die?" Given all the forms of human communication we have today (print, Internet, satellites, radio, TV, etc.) in addition to God's natural and supernatural capabilities to reach every single human on... Continue Reading →

Does the Bible Promote Spousal Abuse Among Christians?

In November 2022, pastor and Christian apologist Mike Winger released the nine-minute clip below tearing down the notion that the Bible encourages Christian women to tolerate abuse from their husbands or other males. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7Qp44uZbto The bottom line is that a genuine Christian husband will not abuse his wife and men who truly possess godly wisdom... Continue Reading →

The Reality of Jesus’ Existence and Debunking the Idea He Was Copied From Myths

At this point in time, in the middle of 2022, many Christians and non-Christians alike have done enough research to know that Jesus Christ really existed and the accounts of his life in the Bible weren't copied from pagan myths. However, despite these facts there are still dishonest atheists or other unbelievers around on the... Continue Reading →

Christ’s Reflection in Ecclesiastes is Seen Beyond the Words of Despair

The 30-minute video below was released this morning by the Christ in Prophecy program produced by Lamb & Lion Ministries. Co-hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones welcome Robert Morgan who pastors a church in Tennessee. In their discussion they note that although the book of Ecclesiastes reflects some words of discouragement and despair, it ultimately... Continue Reading →

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