Bill Johnson of Bethel Church Encourages False Prophecies

Caleb Corneloup on his iThink Biblically YouTube channel released this 15-minute video examining some of the teachings of Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in California. Corneloup tests Bill Johnson's teaching against scripture and finds it severely lacking in truth. Johnson spreads the New Apostolic Reformation teaching that it's okay to share false prophecies so you... Continue Reading →

That Time When Joel Osteen Joked About People Using Marijuana

As someone who has witnessed over the decades how marijuana usage negatively affects people and their lives, I've never thought it's usage or the abuse of any drugs or alcohol was a laughing matter. I grew up in the late 1970s and 1980s when Hollywood joked about and glorified pot use in movies like the... Continue Reading →

God Makes It Possible For Everyone To Hear About Jesus Before They Die

In our day and age, believers and unbelievers alike are still asking, "What happens to people who have never heard about Jesus when they die?" Given all the forms of human communication we have today (print, Internet, satellites, radio, TV, etc.) in addition to God's natural and supernatural capabilities to reach every single human on... Continue Reading →

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