There’s Really No Good Excuse Not To Be A Christian

"There's no such thing as sin, so there's no need for someone to believe in Christ." "They can't help being pagan since they grew up in a pagan society, so why should they be sent to hell for not believing in the God of the Bible?" "It's not fair and doesn't make sense for someone... Continue Reading →

A Confident Conclusion With an Ebullient Benediction

When reading the apostles' letters to those of us who are the saints of God, you can tell they took great care with their words. Not only did their epistles open with powerful words, the main bodies of their letters maintained or even increased in power and their closings were equally as powerful. Take, for... Continue Reading →

Is There Evidence Dinosaurs Survived Noah’s Flood?

Thomas Bailey and Matt Bondy of Creation Ministries International in Canada discuss evidence from the Bible, history, and legends that point to humans co-existing with dinosaurs in this video released January 15, 2020. They also touch on how misconceptions about the giant reptiles have led people to question the Bible's accuracy and historical validity.

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