Brothers in Nebraska Miraculously Survive After Tornado Pulls Them Out of Their House

How often do you hear about adults surviving after being pulled out of their house by a tornado and being thrown several feet with fast-moving, harmful debris swirling around them? Hardly, if ever. But that's what happened to Roger and Royce Slatten outside of Omaha, Nebraska a few days ago. Below is their survival story.... Continue Reading →

God’s Wisdom is for Our Glory

There is nothing quite more pathetic in our world than to witness someone who insists that their opinion on an issue is the only moral high ground when the facts and objective truth blatantly prove otherwise. But this is the tendency of the wisdom originating from humans or worldly wisdom. As the product of man,... Continue Reading →

A Higher Calling With Higher Standards for a Higher Spirituality and Higher Duties

Once we are saved by God's grace through God's gift of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord has great expectations for us which are part of our new covenant partnership and friendship with him. When he compares our beliefs, conduct, spirituality, intentions, and deeds to those of the unsaved Gentiles, he should be... Continue Reading →

George Barna: Only 2% of “Christian” Parents Commit to a Biblical Worldview

"It's fair to say our parents are failing as disciples in most parts. And what they're doing in turn is that they're setting up their children to fail as disciples as well. Even though they mean well, they're really not getting the job done," says Dr. George Barna, founder of evangelical researchers The Barna Group.... Continue Reading →

Oklahoma’s State Superintendent Discusses Detrimental Dumbing Down of School Kids

Ryan Walters, Oklahoma's Christian conservative State Superintendent, took 8 minutes earlier today to discuss the ongoing agenda of teachers' unions to dumb down school kids with their socialist agenda. Walters was interviewed in the video below by Amber Heard of the alternative conservative news outlet Just the News, which broadcasts regularly on news channel Real... Continue Reading →

Pastor Tom Littleton: Europe’s Economy, Culture Still Devastated from 2020 Lockdowns

On Brannon Howse's Worldview Report for September 19, 2023, he featured the 16-minute segment below with Tom Littleton, a pastor with the Southern Baptist Convention. Littleton recently took a trip to various parts of Europe with his family. He highlights some of the things he saw there and some of the discussions he had with... Continue Reading →

Moral Relativity Vs. Objective Truth: Kirk Cameron, Alisa Childers Discuss the Concepts Based on the Bible

Christian apologists Kirk Cameron and Alisa Childers take 25 minutes to discuss how moral relativism in it's various forms is contributing to the decline in our postmodern culture. The open, prevalent hostility against objective truth as found in and derived from the Bible and the God who inspired it is leading many people down the... Continue Reading →

Creation Ministries International Tackles the Tough Question of Why God Allows Suffering

Mark Harwood of Creation Ministries International examines the often-asked question, "If God is good and loving, why is there so much evil and suffering in the world?" This video was released today and Harwood takes 57 minutes to explain all the aspects of life related to this question. Incorporating Genesis into his discussion and contrasting... Continue Reading →

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