Can Christianity and Satire Mix?

Christian apologist Sean McDowell interviews the Editor-in-Chief of the Babylon Bee, Kyle Mann, about his Christian faith, how his career at the Babylon Bee started, and his use of satire. This 52-minute video was livestreamed earlier today.

The Prophet Isaiah: 66 Chapters for 66 Books of the Bible

It's no coincidence that the prophet Isaiah is the most quoted prophet in the Bible. Jesus and his disciples quoted Isaiah even more than Moses or any other prophet. Why is Isaiah so prominent, so important? If you study the book of Isaiah close enough, you will find that every book of the Bible links... Continue Reading →

Decades of Prayers Answered. US Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade!

The U.S. Supreme Court has given us pro-lifers a cause for celebration for overturning the disastrous Roe v. Wade decision made by the Court in 1973. No more are they endorsing legalized murder of unborn children. Thank God for the sanity, the morality, and the scientific truths that lie behind the momentous decision! Below are... Continue Reading →

ACLJ’s Sekulows: US Supreme Court Backing Funds for Religious Schools Elevates First Amendment

Jay and Jordan Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) give a five-minute synopsis of the major US Supreme Court decision released today. The lawsuit originated with parents in Maine who sought to fund their children's educations to private religious schools using the state's school voucher funds. Maine blocked them from using... Continue Reading →

Christ’s Reflection in Ecclesiastes is Seen Beyond the Words of Despair

The 30-minute video below was released this morning by the Christ in Prophecy program produced by Lamb & Lion Ministries. Co-hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones welcome Robert Morgan who pastors a church in Tennessee. In their discussion they note that although the book of Ecclesiastes reflects some words of discouragement and despair, it ultimately... Continue Reading →

Keeping Our Heads on a Swivel: Staying Spiritually Alert in End Times Globalism

Christ and his disciples told us many times to "beware" when it comes to occurrences, people, and the doctrines or principles being spread around us. It's like keeping our heads on a spiritual swivel, so to speak. In the 10-minute video below from June 8, Jericho Valdez shares some of the ideas expressed by globalists... Continue Reading →

Religious Persecution Persists Worldwide, Says State Department Report

The U.S. Department of State released its 2021 Report on International Religious Freedom on June 2. Among the most egregious violators were Afghanistan, Burma, China, Eritrea, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. India, Nigeria, and Vietnam were among nations who threaten religious rights, though they are considered less severe in their violations. In the video below, Secretary... Continue Reading →

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