God’s Wisdom is for Our Glory

There is nothing quite more pathetic in our world than to witness someone who insists that their opinion on an issue is the only moral high ground when the facts and objective truth blatantly prove otherwise. But this is the tendency of the wisdom originating from humans or worldly wisdom. As the product of man,... Continue Reading →

A Higher Calling With Higher Standards for a Higher Spirituality and Higher Duties

Once we are saved by God's grace through God's gift of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord has great expectations for us which are part of our new covenant partnership and friendship with him. When he compares our beliefs, conduct, spirituality, intentions, and deeds to those of the unsaved Gentiles, he should be... Continue Reading →

Allen Jackson and George Barna Discuss Discipling Kids for Christ

In Western civilization, Christians and their local congregations were once known for holding firmly to a Biblical worldview. They had a huge influence in establishing grade schools and universities using the Bible as one of the textbooks. They influenced medicine by starting and maintaining hospitals to help the sick. They fought against slavery, fought for... Continue Reading →

When Secular Artists Make a Mockery of Christian Music

(Updated 4-21-2024) Way back in 2007, I wrote the post asking the question "Should secular artists sing Christian music?" What I had to say back then got some resistance and pushback. People took issue with me calling out secular artists like Sean "Diddy" Combs, R. Kelly, and others in my post and follow-up comments criticizing those... Continue Reading →

Church Music Should Be God-Centered, But Many Churches Make it Human-Centered

Our Heavenly Father, Jehovah, invented music and has always meant for music to be included as part of worshiping him. That's why at the time of creating our universe and everything in it, he had his angels singing praise songs (Job 38:7). During that time, before his fall, Lucifer was created by God as the... Continue Reading →

Bill Johnson of Bethel Church Encourages False Prophecies

Caleb Corneloup on his iThink Biblically YouTube channel released this 15-minute video examining some of the teachings of Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in California. Corneloup tests Bill Johnson's teaching against scripture and finds it severely lacking in truth. Johnson spreads the New Apostolic Reformation teaching that it's okay to share false prophecies so you... Continue Reading →

Confronting Confusing Calvinist Conceptions on Love, Goodness, and Humility

Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, is featured in these two recent videos comparing Calvinist doctrine to what the Bible says. In his discussions, which highlight teachings from Calvinists like John Piper, John MacArthur, et al., Flowers shows how Calvinists can contradict not only their own doctrines, but also contradict what... Continue Reading →

Believers are Intelligently Designed to Display the Manifold Grace of God

God's grace can display itself in a variety of ways through the diversities of spiritual gifts he supplies to believers by his grace. He distributes them to us according to the needs of his church and the ability of each individual believer for the benefit of all Christians. The methods we use to bless others... Continue Reading →

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