Virginia Bishop Saves Boy From Fiery Interstate Crash

This is another good news story demonstrating how God can place the right people in the right place at the right time to do his will. The morning of April 7 on I-495 in Prince George's County, Maryland, a dump truck blew a tire, causing the truck driver to lose control, cross lanes, and slam... Continue Reading →

A Look at How Today’s Organized Church Systems Can Breed Corruption

Bryan Denlinger, known as the Born Again Barbarian on YouTube, gives his viewpoint on how a lot of today's organized Christian congregations have become corrupted. Having allowed an obsession with man-made traditions to dictate how they operate, the majority of them have become breeding grounds for creating antichrists who are prepped for the future one... Continue Reading →

Allen Jackson Tackles Tough Topics–Abortion, Human Trafficking, & Jeffrey Epstein

Below is a 20-minute excerpt from a sermon preached by Allen Jackson of World Outreach Church in Tennessee. This excerpt was released on January 22, but the full sermon from which it was taken was done earlier this month. Many pastors shy away from these subjects. However, I find it refreshing when Christian leaders take... Continue Reading →

United Methodists Undergo Largest Denomination Split in Postmodern History

December 31, 2023 is the deadline for congregations to split from the United Methodist (UMC) denomination under their most current agreement ratified in 2019. Over 7,600 congregations have headed for the exit from 2019-2023 because of the denomination's "progressive," lenient views on sex, sexuality and marriage which contradict the Bible's doctrines. By compromising to be... Continue Reading →

Bill Johnson of Bethel Church Encourages False Prophecies

Caleb Corneloup on his iThink Biblically YouTube channel released this 15-minute video examining some of the teachings of Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in California. Corneloup tests Bill Johnson's teaching against scripture and finds it severely lacking in truth. Johnson spreads the New Apostolic Reformation teaching that it's okay to share false prophecies so you... Continue Reading →

Accepting God’s New Provision Produces His Perpetual Preservation

It is all too common for us as humans to want to give in to our fallen nature and repeat old ideas, habits, and routines from the past that never really helped us. Even after the Lord saves us through Jesus Christ. It's why the early church struggled with legalistic Judaizers demanding physical circumcision (Galatians... Continue Reading →

SBC Confirms Showing Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church the Exit

Famous pastor Rick Warren showed up at the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans to make a last ditch appeal to allow his church to remain in America's largest Protestant denomination. The denomination solidified its doctrine of not allowing females to be teaching pastors of congregations, like Saddleback does. Before the vote that garnered 88%... Continue Reading →

Confronting Confusing Calvinist Conceptions on Love, Goodness, and Humility

Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, is featured in these two recent videos comparing Calvinist doctrine to what the Bible says. In his discussions, which highlight teachings from Calvinists like John Piper, John MacArthur, et al., Flowers shows how Calvinists can contradict not only their own doctrines, but also contradict what... Continue Reading →

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