The Bible, Politics, and You

Earlier this week, Frank Turek released this thought-provoking video (below) on the importance of Christian involvement in politics. He covered the topic using Biblical, historical, and present-day examples to make his points. Turek, in his one-hour talk covered the following subtopics: Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?What Are the Most Important Issues?Does Abortion Trump Everything... Continue Reading →

Dennis Prager in His Fireside Chat Episode 155 Highlights Why Fear of COVID-19 Shouldn’t Dominate Us

Dennis Prager of PragerU offers some interesting opinions in his 30-minute fireside chat released tonight. He discusses why we should not let fear of coronavirus dominate us, agreeing with the President's statements. He also talks about the lack of critical thinking in society today, debunks the assumptions of racism that certain factions wish to stir... Continue Reading →

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