Female driver miraculously survives being run over by a Mack truck

Chances are those of us who have ever said we feel like we've been run over by a Mack truck have never literally experienced it. But a mother of two in Perth, Australia, is blessed enough to say she survived after being run over by one. Stevie Pol, 26, was driving up the Kwinana Freeway... Continue Reading →

US Supreme Court makes just rulings for Trump & pro-lifers

We are living in a time in the West where people who wish to back lawbreakers are attempting to use the law and courts against people who are trying to do what is lawful and godly. One of their weapons is to flood the legal system with a flurry of frivolous legal actions with the... Continue Reading →

Why are illegal alien families separated by border officials?

Liberals are once again stirring up outrage against the Trump administration over how illegal aliens are treated. The sad part is when the liberals start tossing adjectives around such as "heartless" and "without compassion" toward conservatives obeying the law, some conservatives (fake or otherwise) are so quick to cave to the liberals' arguments. They are... Continue Reading →

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