New Studies Confirm Truths Found in the Bible on Fasting and Pagan Practices

New Benefits from Fasting In recent decades there have been a good number of studies on the benefits of fasting. Yet another one was released this week. Unlike previous studies, this research concentrated on what happens to the human body at the molecular level when people fast. Using a water-only fast for a week on... Continue Reading →

CBN News Shares Reports to Warn About Authoritarians’ Plans to Violate Freedoms

Whether it's the UN's WHO or the Scottish government, there is an obvious effort in various parts of the world to attempt to bring about authoritarian rule for the sake of the New World Order. With Marxist forms of Luciferianism as the impetus behind such efforts, the WHO is engaged in a campaign to get... Continue Reading →

Religious Studies Researcher Calls on Christians and Witches to Accept “Christian Witchcraft”

Daniel Wise, a researcher with a PhD in Religious Studies, has expressed the hope of many liberal academics that both Christian circles and witch practitioners diversify their communities by accepting "Christian witchcraft." In reality, from the genuine Biblical perspective there is no such thing as Christian witchcraft. They are diametrically opposed to each other since... Continue Reading →

More Drawbacks Continue to Arise for Legalized Marijuana

Cannabis advocates have been gung-ho for a century or more over the potential financial boon that could line the coffers of both government and private businesses if marijuana is legal. They've been getting their wish as several states in the U.S. and several nations have legalized it after they successfully campaigned on highlighting the failures... Continue Reading →

Professor of “Early Christianity” Claims Magic Helped Shape the Faith

"...magic was integral to the development of Christianity and other religions...," claims Shaily Shashikant Patel of Virginia Tech University who is an Assistant Professor of Early Christianity in her article, "Is magic immoral? It played a role in the development of early Christianity." Patel promotes herself as an "expert in ancient magic and early Christianity, [to] study how... Continue Reading →

Louisiana Church Arsonist is Sentenced to 25 Years in Federal Prison

A year and a half after he burned down three church buildings belonging to black congregations, 23-year-old Holden Matthews was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison today. Matthews, the son of a sheriff's deputy, went on a 10-day arson spree in the spring of 2019 when he targeted the three Baptist churches. Matthews pleaded... Continue Reading →

The Bible Has the Best Principles on Which to Build a Life or a Civilization

From Genesis all the way to Revelation, the Lord demonstrates that he wants his ultimate creation--mankind--to be the best they can be. That ultimately requires us to worship him and to live by his principles. Contrary to what is stated in secular society about the God of the Bible, Jehovah expresses in the Bible his... Continue Reading →

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