Quotes on why I should see the “Noah” movie that made me NOT want to see it

The Internet is all abuzz about an article that appeared at TheBlaze.com today on the upcoming Noah movie starring Russell Crowe. The article featured critiques on the film from Jerry Johnson, CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters, Phil Cooke, a media consultant, and John Snowden, Biblical consultant for the movie. These men seemed to be... Continue Reading →

A rising tide lifts all boats (unless a boat is sabotaged)

I've admitted several times before that I'm a big fan of capitalism when it's carried out based on righteous principles. Principles such as placing the dignity of human life above material wealth or rewarding those with good ethics who work hard or honoring one's promises to produce good products. As in all things that have... Continue Reading →

The gospel according to meme: guilt, greed, and glory in postmodern churches

Religion blogger Benjamin L. Corey recently shared his views on the mindset of churches in America compared to Christians who serve in places like India. He expressed his disdain for the "Jesus + bling" prosperity gospel that permeates not only mega-churches, but small and medium-sized American churches also. How did we get where we are... Continue Reading →

Alfred Kinsey research may be recognized by the UN

The United Nations' Committee on Non-Government Organizations has highlighted Indiana University's Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction as a possible consultant to the UN for its research established by Alfred Kinsey, who used Freudian principles to "study" human sexuality from the 1930s to 1950s. And by "Freudian principles" I mean he had... Continue Reading →

Christian rapper gets intolerant messages for song exposing gay mentality

Christian rapper Bizzle recently released a song in response to the mass gay wedding ceremony broadcasted at the Grammys. As soon as it was released over the Internet, defenders of the gay lifestyle took to social media and barraged him with hate-filled messages and death threats. Proof once again that they expect us to tolerate... Continue Reading →

5 things in the Bible proving humans are superior to all animals

There is a rather subtle movement going on by followers of PETA, the Humane Society, the philosopher Peter Singer, and others to elevate animals to equality with humans. I believe it's rooted  in evolutionary theory, eastern mysticism, pantheism, and panentheism. Those who buy into macroevolution think all life forms evolved from primordial soup and are... Continue Reading →

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