God’s Wisdom is for Our Glory

There is nothing quite more pathetic in our world than to witness someone who insists that their opinion on an issue is the only moral high ground when the facts and objective truth blatantly prove otherwise. But this is the tendency of the wisdom originating from humans or worldly wisdom. As the product of man,... Continue Reading →

The Holy One’s Unction Helps Us Function

"As a Christian, I count it a blessing to contribute financially to charitable organizations. So when that organization asked me for money, at first I thought it might be a good idea, but something just didn't sit right with me about them. Sure enough when I did more digging about them helping refugees, I found... Continue Reading →

That Time When Paul Taught Timothy the Importance of Discussing Bible Prophecy

There may be a number of church leaders in our time who are reluctant to preach about Bible prophecy or who avoid tackling it, but prophecy is part of the gospel's package deal. Bible prophecy is intertwined and inseparable from the gospel of Jesus Christ. That spiritual fact is on display in all four gospels... Continue Reading →

How Evil Spirits Increase Their Activity Against Believers in These Last Days

Brandon Holthaus, Senior Pastor of Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield, California, released this timely video yesterday tackling the subject of how evil spirits are increasing their harassment against Christians. Holthaus gives frank and methodical explanations of what is going on and why. In his hourlong explanation he unpacks some of the tools and methods Satan... Continue Reading →

Ministering to the Saints is Godly Work and a Labor of Love

Today when we think of the term "minister" or "to minister" in religious circles, what often comes to mind is the clergy of any church, whether dressed in suits, robes, or casual wear carrying out preaching or teaching or running a program for the congregation. However, in the Bible the word has broader application given... Continue Reading →

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