Why you wouldn’t want to be a Jim Jones liberal

JimJones under Creative Commons licenseThe late murderous cult leader Jim Jones was very methodical and somewhat effective in how he operated his Peoples Temple. So effective that he talked most of his followers into committing suicide-by-poisoned-Kool-Aid in the jungle of Guyana in South America after ordering the murders of a group from the US who visited his camp to retrieve cult members being held against their will. How Jones operated not only gave us the popular phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid,” the pattern of how he manipulated has been repeated and followed by many prominent figures and movements perpetrated by contemporary liberals. If you want to know why and how liberals do what they do, just look at the history of Jim Jones, who was an atheist, liberal, Marxist, liberation theologist. In my opinion, you can even call contemporary liberals “Jim Jones liberals” whether they are leaders or followers.

Here are some interesting comparisons that should be made:

■ To rise to prominence, Jim Jones passed himself off as a devout Christian, although he was into Marxism and its Roman Catholic offshoot called liberation theology.

■ Contemporary liberals such as President Barack Obama and the Clintons enjoy claiming Christianity to promote themselves while they are actually closeted Saul Alinsky Communists who hold to liberation theology and/or other false doctrines.

■ Jim Jones became so self-absorbed, he called himself a god who could save the poor and oppressed (¶s 11 and 12 of this link) from the oppression of the rich white men who “control the system”, and as such was above the law, following the advice of cultist “Father Divine.” He then formed his own laws within his cult and oppressed those who wouldn’t obey him.

■ Prominent liberals believe it’s okay for them to break laws or form their own as if they are above the law (a god) under the guise of helping the oppressed while they target law-abiding citizens who don’t buy into their schemes.

■ Jim Jones promised his followers he would make their lives better, but instead intentionally made their lives worse to gain more power over them.

■ President Barack Obama promised Americans would do better under his administration and often implied he would lift up blacks, but he has only made their situation worse. But like many African Americans still backed up Jim Jones even when he was exposed as a fraud, blacks do the same for Obama. Gay rights activists, claiming to make life better, encourage sexual practices that are making life worse for LGBTs.

■ While Jim Jones claimed that he loved his followers and would defend them from their enemies to preserve their lives, his ideas and actions led to his own death and the death of his followers. In the end he hated them enough to murder those who wouldn’t obey his suicide order and talked the others into killing themselves to please him. They had become his slaves.

■ As atheist socialist billionaire George Soros claims that he cares about people and wants to help people improve their lives, the causes he supports such as the flood of migrants to Europe to force open borders and the #BlackLivesMatter movement (Soros’s mindless slaves) end up promoting and encouraging the injury and death of innocent people–the latest example (as of the time of the writing of this blog post) being the false flag assassinations and injuries of the innocent police officers in Dallas which led to the death of the evil shooter, a BLM supporter. Soros proves once again that atheists have a blatant disregard for human life.

 Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. Ezek. 22:27

3 thoughts on “Why you wouldn’t want to be a Jim Jones liberal

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  1. Many scriptures of God’s life-giving Word expose the real deeds of evil doers for what they are, here are but a few: Titus 1:16, Jeremiah 17:10, Psalm 33:15, Isaiah 29:15, Ecclesiastes 12: 14, Isaiah 5:20, Acts 8:20


  2. its inslting how liberals expect unquestioned devotion to morally bankrupt causes and sad how certain groups by into it almost like robots. women claim liberals are fighting for their rights but then ignore the link between abortions and breast cancer that jeopardize womens lives http://www.lifenews.com/2014/09/22/twelve-out-of-twelve-recent-studies-show-abortion-linked-to-breast-cancer/

    liberals fight anyone who critics islam when muslim men have a high rate of abusing women. back to abortion, liberals say they want acceptance and to stop racism against blacks and hispanics, but then the babies of blacks and hispanics are aborted at higher rates than whites. doesnt sound like they really care about them to me http://www.abort73.com/abortion/abortion_and_race/


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