Creationist ministry exposes low-down, dirty tactics of atheists online

I’ve stated several times before that when it comes to atheists and the debates they want to have with Christians, it should never be assumed that they are truthful. As a matter of fact, it’s better to assume that they are either lying or misinformed and to fact-check their statements. These are the very things that Creation Ministries International (CMI) has discovered over the years when it comes to whatever they post online–whether it be their scientific articles, podcasts, or videos.

Atheists have used several tactics to target CMI. One tactic is to badger their staff writers about responding to an atheist wiki that criticizes articles CMI releases. A CMI writer has highlighted six good reasons why he generally ignores their badgering. One reason is that the atheist wiki critics usually give clear indications that they don’t really read CMI articles in their entirety to get all their information correct. Another reason is that responding to them would give them undeserved publicity, especially since the atheists show no interest in getting their information correct from jumpstreet. Furthermore, he points out that CMI has thousands of resources on their website covering a vast array of topics that speak to atheists’ claims, so it would be pointless to chase down every atheist post.

Silenced & censored (creative commons photo by Jennifer Brandel)Another tactic hurled at CMI has been online mob attacks and complaints against videos they post on YouTube. Atheists mirror their videos on other YouTube accounts and deluge the videos with negative tags, comments, and dislikes to make videos appear further down in search results or they submit several complaints to YouTube administrators claiming that CMI’s videos are inappropriate, which then prompts YouTube to take them down. This ultimately serves to hamstring the potential of CMI’s videos to gain momentum in the number of views they get for people who may be sincerely searching for answers to valid questions.

Finally, CMI is now facing challenges on its Facebook page since FB allows its users to rate pages. Atheists are taking to FB in droves to try to weigh down CMI’s ratings on its page in attempts to get fellow FB users to ignore them. The same thing happens to materials they display for sale on Amazon.

So acknowledging the battle faced by CMI as expressed by Paul in Ephesians 6:10-11, the writer has come to this conclusion–“We cannot stop the negative feedback. We cannot change hearts (only God can). We cannot do anything but stand our ground and attempt to give the best answer we can to the challenges of the skeptics, even if they do not play by the same rules as us.”

Source: Don Batten, Responding to atheistic opposition: Underhanded tactics include attempted censorship,, December 4, 2014.

14 thoughts on “Creationist ministry exposes low-down, dirty tactics of atheists online

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  1. “I’ve stated several times before that when it comes to atheists and the debates they want to have with Christians, it should never be assumed that they are truthful.”

    No, that’s creationisst we should never assume are truthful.


      1. “Says the person who automatically dismisses the true scientific data that doesn’t match his narrative.”

        Wow, what amazing projection in that statement. It’s the pot calling the silver wear black. I can’t wait to hear this devastating evidence. (Sound of crickets)


      2. Chris,

        Not projecting. Just stating the facts after years of weighing evidence from both sides. I went through public schools and had evolution drilled into my head for years. Then did research on my own to weigh both sides after raising questions. It’s called critical thinking/reasoning. Evolutionists tend to be sheeple who have blind faith in scientism. So that’s a huge difference between us.


      3. ” I went through public schools and had evolution drilled into my head for years”

        Sure you did.

        “Then did research on my own to weigh both sides after raising questions. It’s called critical thinking/reasoning. ”

        No, it’s called “Confirmation bias”

        “Evolutionists tend to be sheeple who have blind faith in scientism. So that’s a huge difference between us.”

        I’m afraid creationist are the biggest” Sheeple ” I have yet to encounter. The “huge difference between us is I understand what science is an that creationism will never be that.


      4. Chris,

        Maybe you should quit while you’re not ahead. Do you realize the more you make comments here, the more you are contradicting yourself? As a matter of fact, your comments reveal that you really agree with what the Bible says. For instance, you’re arguing with me because you assume that I’m ignorant and you obviously hate ignorance. Well, you’re agreeing with the Bible because it says that God’s will is for us to do works that put to silence the ignorance of foolish men (1 Peter 2:15). Although you’re incorrect about me being ignorant.

        You’re also accusing me of lying which means you hate lying. You know what? That agrees with what the Bible says. God hates lying tongues (Proverbs 6:17). And another thing about lying–isn’t it true that people like you deny there’s such a thing as sin? Well, lying is a sin. So you’ve accused me of sinning when there are people in your group who deny it exists. Contradictions, contradictions. But, of course, I’m not the one who’s lying in this discourse.

        Furthermore, by arguing against something you believe to be a lie, you’re saying we should focus our minds on the truth. Well, the Bible says that’s what God wants (Philippians 4:8)–even though it’s you who are actually focused on lies.

        All in all, don’t you think it strange that you would claim to disagree with what the Bible says then turn around and confirm what it says by your very statements? So since you’ve contradicted yourself, your statements are what can be dismissed as lies. And here’s some scientific knowledge for you to ponder–though I know you won’t read it because you really don’t like it when science goes against your religious beliefs in atheism –> 101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge (in the Bible)


      5. “You’re also accusing me of lying which means you hate lying. You know what? That agrees with what the Bible says. God hates lying tongues (Proverbs 6:17)”

        Err. Wow,you’re desperate disconnected from reality, aren’t you?

        “So you’ve accused me of sinning when there are people in your group who deny it exists.”

        I’m accusing you of lying. Not sinning. Clearly you’re so indoctrinated by your religion you can’t tell the difference.

        “even though it’s you who are actually focused on lies.”

        Nope, you’re the one focused lies. Biblical ones. You’re as insane as a Government official from North Korea.


      1. This is simply just providing the ever-popular opinion among atheists that “since creationists don’t agree with my take on things, I’ll just call them unscientific, dismiss them, and make fun of them.” Not. Very. Convincing. Yawn, yawn.


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