Podcaster Jane Ruby Highlights Appellate Court Ruling Against ‘Vaccine’ Label for COVID Jabs

A few days ago, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals gave the greenlight for a lawsuit to proceed against the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The lawsuit was initially filed against the LAUSD over their COVID shot mandate several years ago. When the school district tweaked its mandate after some vocal opposition to its stringency, a lower court ruled the lawsuit was no longer necessary. On appeal the plaintiffs argued that the mandate never should have happened since the COVID shots were falsely called a safe and effective vaccine when, in fact, the shots did not stop people from getting and spreading the lab-created illness. The partial panel of the appellate court agreed that the shots were a medical treatment, not a vaccine, giving plaintiffs the right to move forward on their lawsuit. The ruling still has significance years after the “pandemic” because there are still people in places of power who still want to use “vaccine” mandates in the future to micromanage our lives via another manufactured “pandemic.” They are all in on supporting the UN’s WHO Pandemic Treaty to give the globalists power to force such mandates on all nations that would potentially adopt the treaty. Jane Ruby in the June 12 video below explains the history of how such mandates arose and the negative impact they can have on people’s lives.

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