Dead and Buried: Unexpected Death of Iran’s President Foreshadows Their Future

By now, everyone is well aware of the death of Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi and six others, including his Foreign Minister (both pictured above), in a helicopter crash on Sunday, May 19 in the mountainous East Azerbaijan province of Iran during a thick fog and rain. At memorial services and funeral processions this week, Iranians who were forced to show up due to a nationwide alert sent to their cellphones marked the ceremonies with shouts of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”

During Raisi’s life of public service, he was known to have caused the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Starting with deaths of protesters who resisted the overthrow of the Shah of Iran in the 1970s, Raisi through the years continued targeting anyone who opposed the Islamists’ geopolitical or religious views, persecuted Christians in his country, violently cracked down on women’s rights activists, escalated the war in Yemen by arming the Houthis, and most recently used the billions released to him by the Biden regime to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorists to launch attacks against Israel and against ships in the Red Sea or the Gulf of Aden. Needless to say, all the bloodshed of innocent people at the hands of Raisi makes his untimely death most likely swift judgment from the hands of Jehovah himself.

Apart from the ancient Medo-Persian Empire being used to punish the Babylonians and helping Israel return from their captivity to rebuild Judah, Bible prophecy doesn’t speak well of Persia/Iran. Not only did the book of Daniel expose the fact that a devil known as the prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13) exercised control over the nation (which obviously still holds true today), Persia will one day be allied with Turkey and Russia in a war against Israel (Ezekiel 38-39). As I’ve pointed out in several past posts, this ungodly alliance is slowly coming together as those three nations periodically hold diplomatic summits together to potentially exercise their influence on the world stage. When that future time comes, those nations will declare war because of their jealousy and envy against Israel’s prosperity (Ezekiel 38:10-12). Their jealousy and envy will be inspired by Satan himself (Revelation 12:13-17).

Just like Raisi perished without seeing the destruction of Israel he had hoped for, his nation in the future will be destroyed by Jehovah without seeing the destruction of Israel. Their Islamist efforts are a lost cause because God has ordained that his word will stand forever. This means that the gospel of Jesus Christ, Christians, and Jehovah’s future for both the people and the land of Israel will remain despite Iran’s ongoing efforts to stamp all those things out. The death of Raisi and his Foreign Minister are a direct message from God to Iran and the world that these prophetic principles that have lasted for centuries cannot and will not be undone by prideful, devil-inspired humans no matter how much power they think they have–militarily, diplomatically, or socially in the media or on brainwashed college campuses.

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