Doctors, Scientists Go Hog Wild Over Pig-to-Human Transplants

In recent days, there have been several stories covering xenotransplantation, the transplantation of organic matter from one species into another species. Specifically, the focus has been on pig-to-human organ transplants like the 71-year-old man in China who got a genetically modified pig liver transplant or the woman who had surgery at NYU to receive a genetically-modified pig kidney. Thus far, the experiments have been short-lived in that the longevity in patients that doctors and researchers hoped for have not come to fruition.

Despite all the setbacks due to incompatibility of genetics and viruses between humans and pigs, universities like the University of Saskatchewan are forging ahead with their plans to provide pig organs for use in humans. Much of the funding and pressure to commit to xenotransplantation originates with the God-hating, atheistic transhumanism movement, although mainstream media is mostly keeping that bit of information under wraps and out of the public eye. Slick presentations, like the one below that came out a few days ago from Johns Hopkins University, are being used to try to convince skeptics of what these researchers believe is their worthy cause. Given that transhumanists are involved, who also happen to be “New World Order” globalist types, it will be interesting to see how all these xenotransplantation efforts will play out in relation to Bible prophecies over the coming years.

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