“Secular humanist,” a fancy term for Satanist

Saints of God, have you been paying attention for the past few years to the Satanic Temple tied to the Baphomet statue in Detroit last year and most recently to attempts to start after-school clubs? The Satanic Temple denies they worship Satan and claims to use the name to make fun of the idea they say... Continue Reading →

Believers who praise God’s word are believers who prosper

Praising and glorifying God's word are such an important part of our relationship with the Lord and churchgoers who resist it in any way will find themselves in a downward spiritual trend, lacking spiritual growth or maturity. It's sad to see how prevalent it is for churches and individual believers to allow themselves to be... Continue Reading →

Elaborate fabrics, native seeds of David & Solomon era found in Israel

Archaeologists from Tel Aviv University revealed on Wednesday, February 24, that they discovered a large collection of fabrics and intact seeds native to Israel dating back to the times when Kings David and Solomon reigned in ancient Israel. They were discovered in ancient copper mines of Timna that are believed to be King Solomon's mines.... Continue Reading →

“Lucifer”comes to TV- Is he the morning star or son of the morning?

Sean Anthony, radio host & blogger, wrote this very timely post on his “Flow of Wisdom” blog that exposes the lies not only spread in the world, but unfortunately in the church as well.


FOX has a new TV show called “Lucifer” premiering this week.  During the broadcast on Flow Of Wisdom today, I shared an excerpt of the trailer.

Now the excerpt was to point out the deception not only in the television show referring to Lucifer as the morning star, but also the deception in different translations of the Bible.

Today, many bible toting self-professing Christians read different translations of the bible because most would say it’s “too difficult to read the King James Version.”

In the trailer below, beginning at :55 a female character says to the main character,  “Lucifer morning star, is that a stage name? He responds, ” God-given I’m afraid.”

This is the deception I would like to point out.

In the King James Version of the scriptures, it clearly states that Christ is the “morning star” in Revelation 22:16 and Lucifer is the “son of the morning” in…

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Numbers 16:48 (Between The Living And The Dead

Some excellent heartfelt words from Beejai at The River Walk blog, aka tworiversblog.com.


between the living and the dead

He stood between the dead and the living, and the plague stopped. (Numbers 16:48)

Read: Numbers 16:41 – 18:32, Mark 16:1-20, Psalm 55:1-23, Proverbs 11:7

Relate: You could say it was all about leadership issues. Moses had been leading the people of Israel out of Egypt, through the desert, and into the Promised Land. He had raised up key men and leaders to share in the burden of leading and guiding the people. Some of these leaders had apparently let the power go to their heads. Three of them: Korah, Dathan, and Abiram joined together to challenge Moses’ authority. Korah gathered 250 other prominent leaders around him and confronted Moses directly. The other two led a passive-aggressive rebellion. They simply refused to show up even when specifically summoned.

Then God showed up. Through Moses all the people were commanded to get away from those who had rebelled. Just like something out of a Steven…

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Many Christians are asking the “what just happened?” question after last night’s election results. Joel Rosenberg has presented some timely questions & commentary on where America goes from here.

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

UPDATED AT 6PM EASTERN:Waking up the day after the 2012 elections, I had many questions on my mind. But none so pressing as this: Is the implosion of America more or less likely now?

I’ll share my thoughts on that in a moment.

First things first: Many Americans are stunned by President Obama’s reelection. Most prominent conservative analysts and pundits had definitively predicted Romney would win decisively. Several even predicted a landslide for Romney (most notably Dick Morris and George Will and Michael Barone.) Yet in the end, Mr. Obama won 50.3% of the popular vote and 303 electoral votes, while Mr. Romney won 48.1% of the popular vote and only 206 electoral votes.

Many evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics are stunned and grieving by the fact that the President’s support for abortion on demand, same-sex marriage, massive deficits and national debt, nationalized health care, and large defense cuts have been ratified by the majority of the American people, as has his policies of appeasing…

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