Sound Words Should Be the Heritage of True Believers

In recent years, our postmodern society has been inundated with socialist activists who redefine and twist words into vastly different definitions from what they originally meant. It’s intentionally done to cause confusion in order to break down and destroy civilization so that it can be made into a totally different entity altogether. And we know who the author of confusion is. Things continue to spiral downward to the point where a cancer charity wants to comply with leftists by erasing scientific terms like “cervix.” In an effort to resist any twisting of words to deceive people, in 2 Timothy Paul emphasized to Timothy and all saints that Christians should be known by their use of sound words which preserve the gospel and everything pertaining to our faith. He stated:

13 Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. 14 That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us. 2 Timothy 1

The term “hold fast”, according to the first time it was mentioned in the Bible (Job 27:6), means the refusal to let go of something no matter what the circumstances. The “form of sound words” refers to the godly principles and patterns that serve as the basis for reliable, consistent, perpetual words to be used to express the Christian faith throughout all time periods, across every language and culture. Paul had shaped his preaching to this form, as he pointed out to Timothy and us in v. 13. Paul had rejected fleshly speculations or adaptations from other religious systems. Instead, he stuck to well-disciplined, plain, rational, God-centered expressions presented to him by the Holy Ghost in the faith and love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The faith and love of Jesus Christ are the elements needed to hold to this form and the sound words flowing out of it. Additionally, this form of sound words and all the godly gifts, benefits, and blessings that accompany it are the “good thing” committed unto us believers which must be kept, or jealously guarded, by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. When we rely on the Holy Spirit to help us keep sound words, he helps us to reject attempts to equate “eternal life” with “reincarnation.” He prompts us to dismiss notions that salvation by grace encompasses our working to obtain it. Our form of sound words supported by the Holy Ghost means we understand that there is no other valid “Christ” apart from the one and only Lord Jesus Christ, one of the three persons of the Godhead who is God in the flesh, regardless of New Agers’ claims that there are many Christs.

We have seen in our day what happens when people fail to uphold our God-given duty to hold fast to the form of sound words. We get people deceived by the false teachings of Ellen White and her Seventh Day Adventists, or the blab it and grab it “charismatic” crowd, or the pride-filled, self-exaltation of the New Apostolic Reformation and other things that cause our way of truth to be evil spoken of. As we continue to proceed through these last days, now more than ever it is important for us to preserve our godly form of sound words because our words really matter.

Disclaimer: This video is being shared for it’s lyrics and nice rhythm and isn’t an endorsement of Elevation Church.

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