A Faithless and Perverse Generation

(Updated June 23, 2024 at 3:00 pm EDT) In Luke 9:38-42, we find the account where a desperate father wanted a devil cast out of his son. It was a devil that made his young son suicidal and nine of Jesus' disciples failed to cast the devil out. Was the Lord Jesus being mean when... Continue Reading →

Wicked Times Should Be an Encouragement to Honor God Even More

(Updated June 19, 2024, 8:03 pm EDT) Malachi 3 draws attention to a period of wickedness in the land of Judah that presents life lessons to those of us who follow Christ in our times. According to Malachi 3:13-15, many of the people ridiculed the very idea of worshiping and serving Jehovah. They considered it... Continue Reading →

Twin Brothers Share How God Healed One of Them After He Flatlined 17 Times

The Knight brothers shared this testimony two days ago on the podcast of Allen Jackson, pastor of World Outreach Church near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, In early 2022, one of the twins went into cardiac arrest when he showed up for a routine health procedure. Upon finding this out, his brother and wife immediately started praying. They... Continue Reading →

Shine As Lights With the Word of Life

(Updated 6-15-2024) According to what scripture teaches us, we as Christians are supposed to look different from unbelievers. Our demeanor, outlook on life, priorities, reaction to challenges, vocabulary and overall standards should set us apart from the unbelievers caught up in the world system. Paul points this out to us in Philippians 2 where he... Continue Reading →

Podcaster Jane Ruby Highlights Appellate Court Ruling Against ‘Vaccine’ Label for COVID Jabs

A few days ago, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals gave the greenlight for a lawsuit to proceed against the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The lawsuit was initially filed against the LAUSD over their COVID shot mandate several years ago. When the school district tweaked its mandate after some vocal opposition to its... Continue Reading →

Sound Words Should Be the Heritage of True Believers

In recent years, our postmodern society has been inundated with socialist activists who redefine and twist words into vastly different definitions from what they originally meant. It's intentionally done to cause confusion in order to break down and destroy civilization so that it can be made into a totally different entity altogether. And we know... Continue Reading →

Doctors, Scientists Go Hog Wild Over Pig-to-Human Transplants

In recent days, there have been several stories covering xenotransplantation, the transplantation of organic matter from one species into another species. Specifically, the focus has been on pig-to-human organ transplants like the 71-year-old man in China who got a genetically modified pig liver transplant or the woman who had surgery at NYU to receive a... Continue Reading →

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