Health & Human Services releases more exemptions from contraceptive mandate for religious objectors

President Trump continues moving forward on his "Promises Made, Promises Kept" ideals. On November 7, the day after Congressional midterm elections, the Department of Health and Human Services released new and expanded rules to protect employers who object to paying for birth control under the contraception mandate tied to the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.... Continue Reading →

Dumbing down the church: why Millennials raised in “Christian” homes lack wisdom on faith & politics

Over the past few years, several evangelical organizations such as the Barna Group have released statistics proving that a majority of mainline denominational churches and evangelical congregations avoid teaching on how the Bible speaks to timely topics that affect society. Evangelical speaker & Christian apologist Alex McFarland has said that despite the fact that 74%... Continue Reading →

DARPA & aircraft manufacturers want to expand use of drones over US cities

Now that police forces in cities all across America have implemented the controversial use of unmanned aircraft to aid in law enforcement capabilities, the next phase of aerial drone use was recently made public when DARPA and aircraft designers reported that they're working with the FAA on new guidelines for larger drones. They have developed... Continue Reading →

Newborn girl in China survives after father throws her off cliff

Decades of forced abortions and the one child policy in China, although the Communist government claim they no longer support those practices, in many cases have led to the blatant disrespect for human life, especially against young females. Last Friday, that mentality played out in Gaozhou, Guangdong (pictured above). A father who already had two girls... Continue Reading →

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