Some New Bible Versions Perpetuate Myth Nephilim Giants Were Angel-Human Offspring

Despite all types of examples in scripture to debunk it, Bible scholars in Bible schools and seminaries are perpetuating the myth that giants ("fallen ones" or Nephilim) in Genesis 6 came from fallen angels mating with women. These scholars and their students who are pastors or other Christian teachers even have eye-catching videos all over... Continue Reading →

Some Bible prophecy teachers are still hung up on Nephilim

Usually Prophecy Watchers is a biblically accurate ministry, but in this instance they missed it. Their complete misunderstanding of Genesis 6 about who the "sons of God" are misconstrues their explanation of Bible prophecy. Ryan Pitterson in this video admits that the "angels" he assumes to be present in Genesis 6 and assumes to be... Continue Reading →

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