
Disclaimer: Ads at this website have been inserted via a plugin by an ad company given permission to advertise here by Automattic, the owners of WordPress.com. Some links in my posts may also be by the same plugin permitted by Auttomatic (they have to pay their bills, you know) so before clicking a link you may want to do a mouseover on the link to preview it. It may be an ad.

The links that I share in my posts are shared for information purposes. The authors of the information at those links may share views that I do not necessarily agree with and sharing those links is not my endorsement of those views.

7 thoughts on “Disclaimer

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  1. It can be rather embarrassing at times, I know. I’d write something about prayer and faith and before you know it, an ad pops up: “Contact Madame So-and-So to have your fortune told,” or “Please join such and such a church. We meet every full moon.” Ha!


  2. You need to check your moral compass. Supplying a disclaimer does not excuse you from allowing the posting of ads that are outside of your faith. Take responsibility, stop being lazy and find an ad distributor that does not include ads that you disapprove of. Very sad, very sad.


    1. Agreed! Not to mention, how many people read disclaimers? I worked for boa in their credit card dept and nearly noone bother to read agreements they would engage in, so on something like this even less are going to read a disclaimer….


  3. Hello to all, you being a Christian for over thirty years; well said as you mentioned , regarding the article Sun And shield, I was amazed on some of the responses from some people; the Bible do say only God can judge me. I feel that being a member of any group or organization one shall not be judge, I know for myself some churches have groups; the O.E.S, are people too, I don’t feel they should be judged.


    1. “I don’t feel they should be judged.”

      Well, Carol, with all due respect, your feelings are not the measure or equivalent to God’s truth. You like so many others have misunderstood the text where Christ talks about judging people. Have you really read it for yourself? By telling me the OES shouldn’t be judged, you have made your own judgment of me. That makes you a hypocrite and you contradict yourself.

      I discuss the real meaning of what Jesus said about judging here–> https://sunandshield.wordpress.com/2007/06/07/judge-not-lest-ye-be-judged/


  4. For those who have not taken the journey as an Eastern Should not post false facts. Please understand that signs, and symbols has Mutiple meaning. in various organization. I am a devoted Christian, believer of God and his holy word. You must be speaking of a different organization – Being an Eastern Star since 1996, I have not worshipped any power or God of the Dark world – and don’t ever plan to, The Order of The Eastern Star Stands for Charity Truth and Loving Kindness- Our lessons are e scriptural and educational- T date we have feed over 3000 family, supplied school supplies for over 5000 children, we were able to aide families with food clothes and shelter and some with financial support. Over the past 2 year my chapter grated 11 high school and college student with financial assistance, So, please get your fact straight. ON m y last note- Did you know the emblem used by Hitler and his army was once a positive symbol until Hitzer used it to promote hate and evil
    The Order of Eastern Star is a beautiful organization- Maybe you should join.


    1. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

      23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
      Matthew 7


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